Thanks to the popularity of art festivals in the past two decades leading up to the postponed Tokyo Olympic games, more funding and opportunities have been created in the visual arts in Japan, however, these are largely still hierarchical and reliant on top-down power dynamics.
This forum explores how self-organisation such as local artists’ studios, artists’ initiatives and networks can play an important role in contemporary cultural production, especially in the age of unprecedented crisis such as political unrest, economic collapse, natural/man-made disasters and pandemics.
Date and Time
[Part 1] Friday 8 January 2021 18:30-21:00 (JST)
[Part 2] Saturday 9 January 2021 18:30-21:00 (JST)
Please check the time in your location using this link
How to Participate
Zoom Online Meeting – Please email us at*If you would like to take part in English, please ensure you have whatsapp and include your telephone number with a country code in the email.
*The meeting link will be sent to those who signed up closer to the event.
Organised by
Supported by
The Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan, Fiscal Year 2020
Hokkaido Arts Foundation
Ogasawara Toshiaki Memorial Foundation
In partnership with
Naebono Art Studio
Art Project Research Lab, Hokkaido University of Education at Iwamizawa

令和2年度 「集合のダイアログ」S-AIR Exchange Programme
[主催] 特定非営利活動法人S-AIR
[助成] 令和2年度 文化庁 アーティスト・イン・レジデンス活動支援事業
公益財団法人 北海道文化財団 公益財団法人 小笠原敏晶記念財団
[企画協力] なえぼのアートスタジオ
北海道教育大学岩見沢校 アートプロジェクト研究室